

The helping hand of FinTech in the world of SME’s.

FinTech is changing the rules for Small to medium sized enterprises.Whilst the definition of a small to medium enterprise varies depending on where you are in the world, general consensus underlines the great importance they play to the overall state of the global economy. They are the life blood of cities, creating new jobs, wealth and innovating ...

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Bitcoin is Just the Beginning: The Valuable Potential of Blockchain Technology

While many have solely thought of Bitcoin when the term “cryptocurrency” is referenced, today it is the system they are built on that is disrupting many entities in the financial industry and beyond.Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency are programmed on a system called blockchain. This system facilitates a peer-to-peer transaction network that oper...

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How Technology Would Change the Future of Food Packaging?

Packaging would be totally different in near future, researchers would find inconceivable innovation. As the trend of technology is increasing, the packaging is also at its boom. Now pathetic packaging is a matter of immense concern and alarm for all and sundry. New technological ways in packaging made it easier and easier to turn out the bulky sum...

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Google DeepMind AI reveals potential for thousands of new materials

Google DeepMind has used artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the structure of more than 2 million new materials, a breakthrough it said could soon be used to improve real-world technologies.In a research paper published in science journal Nature on Wednesday, the Alphabet-owned AI firm said almost 400,000 of its hypothetical material designs co...

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