

Trends of Drone Technology

The advances in drone technology have changed every aspect of daily life. Be it for individuals as for industries. Drones use, ranges from domestic use to industrial use. The recent evolution and innovation in drone technology make it evident that there are still greater that can be done with drones. Drones ranges in variety of sizes, from phone si

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Bitcoin is Just the Beginning: The Valuable Potential of Blockchain Technology

While many have solely thought of Bitcoin when the term “cryptocurrency” is referenced, today it is the system they are built on that is disrupting many entities in the financial industry and beyond.Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency are programmed on a system called blockchain. This system facilitates a peer-to-peer transaction network that oper

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What is blockchain technology? 4 small business owners explain

It’s safe to say that blockchain has reached buzzword status. This term is used with abandon at tech conferences, in research reports, and by thought leaders. It’s now a word with implicit meaning – as in, you “should” know what blockchain is, but there’s a strong chance that the person discussing it is more confused than you are.T

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