Financial Services


Trends that will Impact the Fintech Realm in 2023

With the adoption of digital processes, the realm of fintech is set to evolve in the year 2023. The financial services industry and its ecosystem have ...

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Financial services in 2023

It’s hard to imagine a more turbulent year than we experienced in 2022. There is a bit more stability as we enter 2023, but in speaking with KPMG fi ...

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The urgency of Financial Technology Imperatives – The ABCs (AI, Blockchain, and Cloud) driving modernization.

The urgency of Financial Technology Imperatives –The ABCs (AI, Blockchain, and Cloud) driving the modernizing of the Financial Institution’s Technology Infrastructure.Understanding the ImperativeThe challenges the financial services industry faces are immense, including constant shifts in the regulatory landscape, customer expectations of digit

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The helping hand of FinTech in the world of SME’s.

FinTech is changing the rules for Small to medium sized enterprises.Whilst the definition of a small to medium enterprise varies depending on where you are in the world, general consensus underlines the great importance they play to the overall state of the global economy. They are the life blood of cities, creating new jobs, wealth and innovating

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