

Future of Data Storage: What trends are coming up?

The digital economy has ushered in an era of unprecedented data growth, and the importance of data storage cannot be overstated. According to IDC, by 2025, the world will need to store a colossal 175 zettabytes (ZB) of data, which is tantamount to 175 billion terabytes (TB) or a mind-boggling 175 million petabytes (PB) or 1.5916157281026β‹…10+14 Ti

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Future of Storage Technology: DNA molecule, Flash, Spinning drives, Software Defined.

The article about DNA molecule being a very efficient replacement for the hard disk or SSD, drew immediate attention from Ruben Spruijt, CTO at Atlantis Computing. Especially the fact that the information storage density is a million times more efficient than a hard disk or SSD, is what makes it interesting. Since speed, price and availab

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