Huawei teases launch of new smartphone, high-end model anticipated


Chinese tech giant Huawei has started allowing customers to register their interest in an upcoming smartphone model it has yet to describe, stoking anticipation that the latest version of its high-end P series phones is on its way.

The company jumped back into the premium smartphone market last year with its Mate 60 series, a launch celebrated by state media as a triumph over U.S. sanctions on the firm. The launch has also been blamed for a steep decline in Apple's iPhone sales in China.
Speculation has built up in recent months that Huawei will soon launch the P70, which is expected to, like the Mate 60, contain an advanced China-made chip.
Huawei's P series has advanced cameras and is known for its sleek design, while the Mate series, also high-end, emphasises performance and business features.
A Thursday product launch for a smart car model and laptop did not mention phones, disappointing legions of fans who complained online. But on Friday, checks made by Reuters at three Huawei stores in Beijing found that interested buyers could register to receive information about a phone without making a deposit.