Government wants flying taxis to take off in 2 years

The first flying taxi could take off in the UK by 2026 and become a regular sight in our skies two years later if a government announcement goes to plan. The Future of Flight action plan, developed with the aerospace industry, also says drones and other flying vehicles will become more autonomous. It predicts that the first pilotless flying taxi will take off in 2030. But experts say infrastructure needs to improve for this to become a reality for potential passengers. "From flying taxis to emergency service drones, we're making sure the UK is at the forefront of this dramatic shift in transportation - improving people's lives and boosting the economy," Aviation and Technology Minister Anthony Browne said.
Some of the uses of unmanned drones include transporting medical supplies, delivering post in rural areas, and tracking down criminals on the run.
Their use is still in the early stages, but the plan suggests drone deliveries would be commonplace by 2027.
The Department for Transport also plans to allow drones to fly beyond visual line of sight - meaning the person controlling the drone cannot see it in the air.