5th Supply chain Summit Management 4.0 Summit 2021


CIOInsights is an official media partner with 5th Supply chain Summit Management 4.0 Summit 2021.

Industry 4.0 is disrupting businesses in almost every industry. In the face of disruptive forces, organizations are being forced to innovate and compete with one another. Supply Chain 4.0 comprises of the reorganization and transformation of supply chains via the use of Industry 4.0 technologies in order to raise supply chain productivity, improve performance & efficiency and mitigate risks. However, the majority of the organizations are unsure about how to apply and use these emerging technologies, as well as how and where in the supply chain they should digitalize.

As such, organizations are increasingly looking for ways and best practices to digitize and incorporate these Industry 4.0 technologies into their supply chain seamlessly. Supply chain digitization helps organizations improve supply chain flexibility, visibility, security, efficiency, operations, and cost reduction. It enables stakeholders to share information more effectively, making it easier to meet business objectives and customer expectations. That said, only if organizations can successfully implement supply chain 4.0, can they derive the ROI of embarking on this digitalization journey.Learn more