
Top 10 Snowflake Partners To Watch In 2024

Alteryx: Snowflake's Go-to Platform for Analytics Automation

As a data analyst, you know the value of drawing insights from data. However, the process can be arduous without the right tools. That's where Alteryx comes in. This analytics automation platform streamlines predictive, spatial, and data science analytics, empowering you to go from raw data to actionable insights in a fraction of the time. In this article, learn how Alteryx's versatile and intuitive platform makes it Snowflake's go-to analytics automation partner. We'll explore the platform's key capabilities, including automated data preparation, blending, and modeling, and see real-world examples of how Alteryx helps data analysts work smarter, enabling more impactful data-driven decisions. Whether you're new to analytics or a seasoned pro, read on to understand why Alteryx is an analytics game-changer.

Overview of Alteryx and Its Partnership With Snowflake

Alteryx is an end-to-end analytics automation and data science platform that empowers users of all skill levels to easily prep, blend, and analyze data, then deploy and share analytics at scale. Alteryx's platform provides a cohesive and governed self-service analytics experience from data to insights. Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, partners with Alteryx to enable customers to integrate and analyze their data in the Snowflake cloud data platform.

Data Blending and Preparation

Alteryx Designer, Alteryx's visual workflow designer, enables users to easily cleanse, blend, and prepare data from sources like Snowflake. Users can drag-and-drop tools to create automated data pipelines without coding. Alteryx Designer natively connects to Snowflake, so users can bring in data and then cleanse, transform, and enrich it for analysis.

Advanced Analytics

Alteryx Designer provides an easy-to-use interface for data scientists and citizen data scientists to build predictive models using tools like regression, clustering, and decision trees. Users can also leverage Alteryx's Assisted Modeling tool which automatically tests multiple models to determine the best fit. The predictive models built in Alteryx can then be deployed directly in Snowflake for scoring.

Sharing Insights at Scale

Alteryx Gallery, Alteryx's collaborative analytics workspace, makes it easy for users to share insights, workflows, and apps with colleagues. Analysts can schedule and automate their Alteryx workflows to run on a recurring basis, then publish the results to Gallery where business users can interact with and explore the outputs. The combination of Alteryx and Snowflake allows for a governed self-service analytics experience with seamless data blending and advanced analytics at scale.

With Alteryx and Snowflake, data analysts and data scientists have an end-to-end platform for turning raw data into actionable insights. The partnership between these two leaders provides a cohesive analytics experience with unparalleled performance, governance, and automation.

Alteryx Designer: Automating Advanced Analytics

Alteryx Designer is Alteryx’s flagship product that allows users to easily blend data from multiple sources, perform advanced analytics through its intuitive drag and drop interface, and deploy predictive models at scale. With a library of over 250 native tools for data preparation, prediction, and spatial analysis, Alteryx Designer provides data analysts with a simple yet robust platform to build end-to-end analytic workflows.

Simplified Data Blending

Alteryx Designer makes it easy to combine data from a variety of sources like databases, cloud applications, spreadsheets and spatial files. With a visual workflow builder, users can simply drag and drop tools to join, filter, sample and pivot data. Alteryx’s data profiling tools allow you to quickly analyze and understand your data before diving into analysis.

Advanced Analytics Made Simple

Alteryx Designer provides an easy to use interface for performing complex predictive and statistical analysis like regression, decision trees, k-means clustering and more. With Alteryx Designer, data analysts can build entire predictive models in a fraction of the time it would take to code it manually. Alteryx’s tools are powered by R and Python but do not require any coding. Analysts can get insights from their data through interactive visualizations, reports and dashboards built right into their Alteryx workflows.

Enterprise Scale and Governance

While Alteryx Designer simplifies advanced analytics, it is a robust enterprise platform that meets the needs of large organizations. With server-based architecture, scheduling and monitoring capabilities, and role-based user permissions, Alteryx Designer provides governance and oversight for analytics. Models and workflows built in Alteryx Designer can also be deployed into production through Alteryx Server or Alteryx Promote.

In summary, Alteryx Designer is an end-to-end platform for data blending, advanced analytics and enterprise governance that allows organizations to achieve data-driven decisions at scale. With Alteryx Designer, data analysts can go from data to insight faster than ever before.

Alteryx Server: Centralizing and Sharing Analytics

Enabling Collaboration

The Alteryx Server allows organizations to centralize analytics and foster collaboration across teams. It provides a centralized repository for workflows, data sources, and macros that can be shared between users. Team members can save workflows to the Alteryx Server, where others can then open, run, and modify them as needed. This eliminates redundancy, as analytics assets can be built once and reused.

Streamlining Processes

With Alteryx Server, organizations can standardize processes and enable governance of analytics. Administrators can control permissions to determine who has access to which workflows and data sources. They can also monitor workflow runs to ensure compliance with standards. These capabilities enable organizations to scale analytics in a controlled manner.

Simplifying Administration

Alteryx Server simplifies administration through a web-based interface. All assets, permissions, and monitoring are managed centrally through this interface. Administrators can easily add and remove users, control access, view usage metrics, and check the status of workflows. The interface provides a single place to oversee all analytics activity and resources in the organization.

Integrating with Other Systems

Alteryx Server integrates with various data sources, analytics tools, and business systems. It can connect directly to databases, data warehouses, and cloud storage services to access data. It also offers an API that allows other applications to trigger workflow runs and access results programmatically. These integrations allow Alteryx Server to function as a central hub for analytics in an organization's ecosystem of tools and systems.

In summary, Alteryx Server provides a platform to organize, govern, and scale analytics across an organization. With its capabilities for sharing assets, enabling collaboration, streamlining processes, and simplifying administration, Alteryx Server helps organizations get the most value from their analytics investments. By acting as a centralized hub, it allows analytics to become an integral part of organizational processes.

Alteryx Promote: Operationalizing Models

To truly achieve an end-to-end automated analytics process, data scientists and analysts require a solution to deploy predictive models into production environments. Alteryx Promote provides the ability to operationalize models built in Alteryx Designer and Alteryx Server with a simple user interface.

Model Management

Alteryx Promote offers a centralized location to register, store, and manage predictive models. Data scientists can register models built in Alteryx Designer or imported from third-party data science tools. Business analysts and data scientists can then browse, select, and schedule the deployment of models into production environments.

Monitoring and Reporting

Once models are deployed, Alteryx Promote provides monitoring and reporting capabilities to track model performance and accuracy over time. This includes tracking key metrics like confusion matrices, ROC curves, lift charts, and KS scores. If model performance starts to deteriorate, data scientists can retrain the model and redeploy an updated version.

Champion/Challenger Deployments

Alteryx Promote uses a champion/challenger deployment method, which allows new models to run in parallel with existing production models. The performance of new “challenger” models can be evaluated against the existing “champion” model before replacing it. This minimizes the risk of deploying a new model that does not perform as well as the existing model in production.


Alteryx Promote is built to support enterprise-scale model deployment and monitoring. It can handle high volumes of scoring requests and model metrics data. Load balancing and failover features ensure high availability and reliability. Alteryx Promote integrates with Kubernetes for containerized deployments, allowing resources to scale based on demand.

In summary, Alteryx Promote provides data science and analytics teams with a purpose-built solution to deploy, monitor, and manage predictive models in production. By simplifying and automating the model operationalization process, Alteryx Promote allows organizations to achieve true end-to-end automated analytics.

The Benefits of the Alteryx and Snowflake Partnership

Accelerated Analytics

Alteryx and Snowflake's partnership provides accelerated analytics through automated data pipelining. Alteryx's automated analytics platform can connect to Snowflake to quickly and easily ingest, cleanse, enrich, and blend data in Snowflake for faster insights. This allows data analysts and scientists to spend more time on high-value analytics instead of repetitive, manual data preparation tasks.

Seamless Integration

Alteryx seamlessly integrates with Snowflake through native connectors that enable fast, efficient movement of data between the platforms. Alteryx can directly query Snowflake tables and views, and write results back to Snowflake in a single workflow. This tight integration provides a smooth user experience for jointly leveraging Alteryx and Snowflake.

Robust Security

Alteryx and Snowflake provide enterprise-grade security and governance for sensitive data and analytics.### Alteryx enables role-based access control, data masking, and end-to-end data lineage for compliance. When integrated with Snowflake, Alteryx inherits all of Snowflake's security capabilities like automatic encryption of data at rest and in transit, and fine-grained access control. This robust security allows organizations to confidently automate analytics on their most sensitive data.


Alteryx and Snowflake are built to scale for any organization. Snowflake's cloud data warehouse is designed for limitless scalability, and Alteryx's automated analytics platform distributes processing across servers to handle huge data volumes. Together, Alteryx and Snowflake provide a scalable foundation for analytics automation that grows with customers' needs. Organizations of any size can leverage the power of Alteryx and Snowflake to gain data-driven insights.

In summary, the partnership between Alteryx and Snowflake enables accelerated, integrated, and secure analytics automation at scale. By combining Alteryx's automated analytics capabilities with Snowflake's cloud data warehouse, organizations can rapidly unlock insights from all their data and empower everyone with the ability to make data-driven decisions. This powerful combination creates competitive advantages through pervasive, data-driven insights.


As this article has shown, Alteryx provides an end-to-end analytics automation platform that allows Snowflake customers to quickly and easily prepare, blend, enrich, and analyze all of their data. By integrating and automating analytics, data science, and machine learning processes in a simple interface, Alteryx empowers users of all skill levels to make smarter decisions faster. With Alteryx Designer, users can connect to all relevant data sources, combine diverse datasets, clean and transform data, and apply predictive analytics at scale. The powerful and versatile Alteryx platform complements Snowflake's data cloud capabilities, enabling deeper insights and boosting productivity. With Alteryx and Snowflake working hand-in-hand, the possibilities for business innovation become truly limitless. By leveraging these best-in-class solutions together, you can generate unprecedented value from your data assets.